Are You New To

Sound Baths?

What is a Sound Bath?

Each part of your body has a vibratory frequency - the human body is a symphony of sounds!

The presence of dis-ease or imbalance is our body’s way of telling us some sounds are “out of tune.” Sound Healing is the medicine you need to restore this inner balance and bring those sounds back into harmony.

A one-to-one session is very special, and I urge everyone to try it!

What To Expect

Sound Baths are all about deep relaxation. We use the sounds of the bowls and chimes to help the nervous system enter a parasympathetic state where rest & digest can occur. It’s a wonderfully mediative experience where all you need to do is lie back and let go! You will typically be lying down, under blankets and with pillows to ensure you’re as cosy as possible.

Questions you might have.

  • A sound bath is a therapeutic practice that uses various sound-producing instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and tuning forks, to create immersive auditory experiences. Participants typically lie down or sit comfortably, allowing the soothing sounds and vibrations to induce a deep state of relaxation.

  • Sound baths work by using the vibrations and frequencies produced by instruments to promote relaxation and balance. The harmonic vibrations synchronise with brainwaves, inducing a meditative or trance-like state. This process reduces stress, promote mental clarity, and enhance overall wellbeing.

  • The benefits of sound baths may include stress reduction, improved sleep, heightened self-awareness, enhanced mood, and a sense of overall wellbeing. Some people also report reduced anxiety and increased mindfulness as a result of regular sound bath practice. Being in a relaxed sate can also help to reduce pain. Overall sound baths can improve both emotional and physical states.

  • No prior experience in meditation or mindfulness is necessary to participate in a sound bath. Sound baths are accessible to individuals of all experience levels, making them suitable for beginners as well as those with established mindfulness practices.

  • The frequency of sound bath participation depends on individual preferences and goals. Some people find weekly sessions beneficial, some monthly, while others may choose to attend less frequently. Consistency often enhances the cumulative benefits. Regular sound baths can also improve your ability to truly relax.

  • Yes absolutely! They make a wonderful gift for a loved one. Just message me for details

  • Loose, comfortable and warm clothing is best; to help you feel relaxed and cosy.

A swirling pattern_Reasonance Healing Sounds

Do you have a Question?

I’d love to hear from you, please get in touch and we can chat and get a date booked in!