Alison sits surrounded by her sound bowls, instruments and fairy lights_resonance healing sounds

My Story

My first sound bath was totally transformational, it was a significant moment in my life.

It was the height of the second wave of Covid. My mum was very ill with cancer. One day her pain was so bad we were advised to take her straight to A & E. She had surgery within 48 hours of admission, and was in intensive care for 4 days. My father and I had great difficulty communicating with the hospital because of issues around covid. We discovered that they had removed the cancer and created a stoma.

When she came out of hospital, it was far from plain sailing. The stoma nurse was unavailable as she had Covid, so my father and I had to learn about how to use the colostomy bag from YouTube videos. My mum’s wound hadn’t healed properly which caused further problems.

Looking back, it was the most stressful period of my life.

A friend, who is a sound therapist, suggested that I had a sound bath to help with my stress. I knew nothing about sound baths and I was very reluctant to try it, but he eventually persuaded me.

It was completely transformational! It was like a switch had been flicked.

The Start of Something

I went back to my parents’ house with a totally different attitude, and started afresh.

Every time my tension built up over the next few weeks, I would go for another sound bath and the same thing would happen - I would come away able to cope with the situation. My mum went on to contract an infection, and things got worse before they got better, all exacerbated by the fact that Covid was rife, and very little help was available. It was the sound baths that got me through those very extreme circumstances and helped me to manage my mum’s condition.

My mum is still with us!

But this period in my life was a catalyst, and I decided that I really wanted to be able to give this amazing gift to others. I researched courses so that I could study sound therapy. I found British Academy of Sound Therapy, and so began my journey. I then went on to develop my knowledge with a Gong Master Training course with Aidan McIntyre.

I’m lucky enough to work with the friend who introduced me to sound therapy, and we do collaborative sound baths when I visit my parents in the Midlands, (which is usually every fortnight)

An image of a seascape

“Relaxation is not a destination, but a continuous journey towards self-discovery and inner peace.”

Deepak Chopra

Contact me.

I’m always happy to chat about Sound Healing, please do get in touch if you have a question!